The Canberra Labor Club has always recognised the importance of its role as a community club, to provide financial assistance and supplementary support to a variety of local community not-forprofit organisations. The Group is proud of the support we have been able to provide to the many and varied not-for-profit organisations each year through a combination of financial and in-kind support.
The ‘Marble Run’ has encompassed the objectives of the Community Assistance Program by offering an opportunity for funding assistance to a wide variety of organisations to participate in the monthly ‘Marble Run’ program.
The opening of the Clubs newest venue the Central Social Club resulted in an increase to the Groups workforce by over 20% on the previous year. It has been wonderful to welcome so many new team members to the Group and support them in building skills in our industry.
The following is a list of some of the organisations that were supported by the Canberra Labor Club Group: